Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


I think exhibition its so amazing for me :)

saya sadar kita ini bekerja di dalam tim
menyatukan banyak pikiran dalam satu tujuan itu emang ga gampang
beda pendapat itu wajar. ini adalah sebuah proses
cape?? ya, secara fisik memang tapi secara perasaan engga
saya menikmati proses ini, menurut saya ini menyenangkan
dari sini saya mulai bisa membaca dan memahami karakter temen-temen saya yang mungkin sebelumnya saya ga tau.
Disini saya belajar pula bagaimana cara menghadapi seseorang yang memiliki karakter seperti ini dan itu
karena kami ber'8 (termasuk saya) jadi kami memiliki karakter kami masing-masing yang menurut saya unik.

Jadi intinya disini kami belajar bersabar, bertoleransi, belajar menghargai, dan belajar untuk lebih menahan ego masing-masing. Karena saya yakin menjadi yang terbaik memang ga mudah, tapi itu bukan sesuatu hal yang mustahil. Memang ga mudah, tapi pasti bisa :)

Senin, 23 Januari 2012


hey ceman-ceman
bagi yang udah follow saya monggo tinggalkan alamat atau link blog kalian ya biar saya bisa polback :D
ya kecuali kalo gamau di polback
see you ^^
smangat buat final exam!

blog blog blog

I made blog again
this is a 3rd blog of me
karena blog pertama saya sedikit menjadi kontroversi jadi akhirnya di non aktifkan saja
dan untuk blog yang ke dua memang tidak untuk di publish

oke I want to introduce my self
my name is Fransisca Felicia and I was born at 23rd of May 1993. I study at Sampoerna School of Education for Mathematic Department major. I'm a second child in my family. I have one sister. She is a beautiful girl? emmmm... oke I'm not sure :P

I think is enough because I'm very sleepy now ~.~
good night readers ;)

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Lesson Plan Part 2


Teacher       : Fransisca Felicia
Duration      : 90’

TOPIC       :
Equations and Inequations                    
Students can differentiate between about equations and inequations
-         Students can understand the form of the word problems
-         Students can solve problems in the form of the word problems
1.      Teacher explain a little points about the material (10’)
2.      Give a problem about Equations (5’)
3.      Make a team work that each team of 4 students (5’)
4.      The teachers give students to write their discussion (10’)
5.      The student presentation about the solve of this problem (15’)
6.      Teacher explain about solve of this problem and explain about material (20’)
7.      Teacher give refresh for students (5’)
8.      Teacher evaluation about material (10’)
9.      Students make a reflection (10’)
-         Team cooperation
-         Outcome presentation each of group

Lesson Plan Part 1


Teacher       : Fransisca Felicia
Duration      : 90’

TOPIC       :
Equations and Inequations                    
The students able to solve real problems in the daily life
-         Students can understand the form of the word problems
-         Students can solve problems in the form of the word problems
1.      Teacher explain a little points about the material (10’)
2.      Give a problem about Equations (5’)
3.      Make a team work that each team of 4 students (5’)
4.      The teachers give students to write their discussion (10’)
5.      The student presentation about the solve of this problem (15’)
6.      Teacher explain about solve of this problem and explain about material (20’)
7.      Teacher give refresh for students (5’)
8.      Teacher evaluation about material (10’)
9.      Students make a reflection (10’)
-         Team cooperation
-         Outcome presentation each of group

International School Vs National School

      In Indonesia, the education system has improved to better condition. That is because Indonesia have to generalize its education system toward the world education system or international system. So that many schools in Indonesia have adapted the education system is called “SBI” (Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional). In this essay, the author is going to explain about the trend of international school which included to the definition of international school, the comparison among international school and national school, and pros and cons toward international school.
International school is school that have process of teaching and learning which emphasizes on the development of creative mind, innovation, and experimentation to spur new ideas that have never been existed before. International school is always using English as the language of studying process. Every day, the students have to talk English through teachers, staff and their friends. The books are also adapted from international standard. The development of the “SBI” in Indonesia is grounded by UU No.20/2003 on the national education system, article 50, paragraph 3. In this Act, the government is encouraged to develop a unit of the education international system. Now many international schools in Jakarta is occured. The curiculum of international school is better than national school curiculum. The countries that are usualy become the international school system are Singapore, United State,  and Australia. Usualy this school is following a national curiculum different from that of the country the school located in or adopting an international curiculum such as that of the Cambrige International Examination. They are fully using the concept of the curiculum that they use such as the books, the method of teaching, the rule and the marking system. The reason of one school uses international standard are to repair and improve its education system. In Jakarta, many schools are competing to become international school. For example, Global Prestasi School is a private school which use international curriculum. 
​            Many people think international school is better than national school. Is that true? Let compare from the quality, the school fee, and the school facilities. First, to check the quality of the school, we can see through the teacher, teaching method, the rule at the school, and the curriculum. The teacher at the international school in Indonesia mostly must have a high- education-background quality. They, at least, master one of the foreign language. Sometimes the TOEFL Score is needed but it depends on the school. The international school itself prefers to use the native teacher to local teacher. For the teacher at national school, sometimes it does not need a high-education-background. Even, it is enough to have only a-senior-high-school-certificate to be a teacher at national school. And it is very ashamed. The teaching method in international school is usually using a high-technology-teaching aids such as LCD, tablet PC, and laptop for learning activities. They also apply 'learning by doing' system. So, the student have to actively join the class when teachers do the experiments or outdoor activities. Besides, the teachers often have an open-disscusion for student. It means students take part in disscussion the lesson. Unlike international school, the teacher in national school is known as theoritical-teacher who always explains theories for student without giving the example or experiments. Assignments are given everyday and students don't have any space to argue about their opinion. Next, the rule of the international school and national school also have many differences. The rule of international school is very strict. Students are not allowed to bring item that may cause disruption, such as handphone, toys, music player, etc. All students are refrain from using offensive language, swearing, bullying, teasing, name-calling, and put downs. If they break the rules, the consequences are vary. It could be parents-calling and even spelled out from school. What about our national school rules? It seems more flexible. The student can bring the cellular phone at the school and the school rarely gives the consequences for the student who come late. Then, don't forget about the gap of school fee. Let take two schools to compare. The fee at SMP 105 Jakarta is lower than Global Prestasi School. It cost twice or even more than Global Prestasi School. That is happened because of the facilities provided. At the international school, it has LCD, AC, swimming pool, gym, learning centre, etc. At the national school still uses OHP for the presentation and computer. 
Along the occurence of ​international school, pros and cons follow its occurence. The pros side see that many advantages come from international school. Indonesia has a role model in education system by looking for international system. The national school can learn about the teaching method from international school.  Students who study at international school also can compete with the others from foreign. However, international school have disadvantages as cons side said. Students who study in internatonal school are lack of knowledge about Indonesia, their own country. The culture and language of Indonesia will not be taught as much as at national school. They will loose their identity as Indonesian because they don not know much about their heritage. How about the term “international school or international fee?" That appear in our environment?. This question appears because nowadays many international schools don't have international quality but they have a very expensive fee. The Goverment of Indonesia have to courage that kind of schools to re-arrange their system.  
​            Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that International school is school that have process of teaching and learning which emphasizes on the development of creative mind, innovation, and experimentation to spur new ideas that have never been existed before and the Goverment of Indonesia also already give a rule about international school. Although many pros and cons about international school but many people still choice the international school because international school have a good quality and the teacher of international school have a high- education-background quality than national school. So, international school is better than national school but the parents have to learn the child to study Indonesia language so that they even kept appreciate Indonesia. As the suggestion, our national school have to be dare to compete with the international school. They have to improve the quality and can be started from the small things. Nothing is effortless.